Thursday, June 12, 2008

Made simple song~

Why aren’t you available?
Time is unforgiving
Once it goes never come back
Use it well, don’t miss it
It’s a gold, fully use it
Don’t throw it to the sea

I see the clock ticks ticks ticks
Being stuck in this same thing
Over and over again
Eat sleep school tv toilet
Why aren’t you moving?

You’re still here?
You need to go on
Where is the road to there?
I need direction
I need Your hand

Where is my future
“It’s in My hand” You said
Where is my joy
“It’s in Me” You said
Why do I live
“Because I live” You said
Who am I
“You are Carrie, my child” You said
Why do you love me
“Coz you’re preacious to Me” You said

Time is precious.. Gonna create a GREAT and ADVENTUROUS memory of You and I, my Lord…

Hehe… Like a psalmist huh?? Not bad not bad….. =P