Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Be Happy In a Bad Day?

Yesterday, a lots of bad stuff happened to me..

I began to wonder "Is God trying to tell me something or what?". The funny thing is yesterday morning we, church staff, were having our devotional time and we talked about praising God in difficult situation. I tend to forget praising God in difficult situation. What I usually do is to cry out to Him and asking Him why why why..

5.10pm, time to go home.. I followed Aunt Annie's car. We tried to close the big gate but it just wouldn't move. So I went in to the foyer and tried to press the gate control button, STILL wouldn't move. So we gave up in closing the gate. While I'm trying to lock the foyer door, my key BROKE! It's either because I'm too strong after working out in the gym last monday or the key is old already.. I don't know...

Then, at home watch a movie called 'The Pursuit of Happiness'. It's really a nice movie.. But half way watching it, I heard ' Owhh owh Owhh....' It's my dog.. Went out of the house to see what's going on with him. Ha! As I have expected, he failed to go out through the fence and got his leg stuck on it while his body swinging in the air.. Afraid that his leg would be broken, I quickly rushed out to save him. Never thought of my safety while saving him, I got bitten by him. So much for being a hero to him!

After saving him, went back to the house and cry.. Haha.. =P As I was bathing before, I was reminded about what Aunt Annie shared about praising God in difficult situation. Oh.... So this is the difficult situation that I should learn to praise Him.. Haha.. Ya..

Praise God that my wrist is not broken!

Praise God for a family that can help and comfort you in difficult time!

Thanks for Everything!